Moynihan Aneurysm Needle Solid Forged Handle (190.5mm) (7.5inch)
This item is a surgical instrument used for repairing aneurysms. It is a solid forged handle with a needle at the end that is 190.5mm (7½ inch) long. It is used to puncture the aneurysm and insert a stent or other device to repair the aneurysm.
Moynihan Aneurysm Needle Solid Forged Handle (190.5mm) (7.5inch)
This item is a surgical instrument used for repairing aneurysms. It is a solid forged handle with a needle at the end that is 190.5mm (7½ inch) long. It is used to puncture the aneurysm and insert a stent or other device to repair the aneurysm.