Denis Browne Abdominal Claw Blade Angled (Blade Length x Blade Width: 60 x 20mm)
This set of blades is used in abdominal surgery. The angled blades are designed to allow surgeons to make precise incisions in the abdominal wall. The blades are 60mm long and 20mm wide, allowing for a wide range of incision sizes. They are typically used in the Denis Browne procedure, which is a type of abdominal surgery used to correct umbilical hernias.
Denis Browne Abdominal Claw Blade Angled (Blade Length x Blade Width: 60 x 20mm)
This set of blades is used in abdominal surgery. The angled blades are designed to allow surgeons to make precise incisions in the abdominal wall. The blades are 60mm long and 20mm wide, allowing for a wide range of incision sizes. They are typically used in the Denis Browne procedure, which is a type of abdominal surgery used to correct umbilical hernias.