Trelat Vaginal Speculum Parallel Adjustment Medium (Blade Length x Blade Width: 95 x 35mm)
A Trelat Vaginal Speculum Parallel Adjustment Medium is a medical instrument used in gynecological examinations. The device is inserted into the vagina to allow the doctor to view the cervix and other internal reproductive organs. The device consists of two blades that can be adjusted to the desired width and length. The blade length and width of the Trelat Vaginal Speculum Parallel Adjustment Medium is 95 x 35mm.
Trelat Vaginal Speculum Parallel Adjustment Medium (Blade Length x Blade Width: 95 x 35mm)
A Trelat Vaginal Speculum Parallel Adjustment Medium is a medical instrument used in gynecological examinations. The device is inserted into the vagina to allow the doctor to view the cervix and other internal reproductive organs. The device consists of two blades that can be adjusted to the desired width and length. The blade length and width of the Trelat Vaginal Speculum Parallel Adjustment Medium is 95 x 35mm.