Sawyer Vaginal Speculum Medium (Blade Length x Blade Width: 76.2 x 28.56mm)
A vaginal speculum is a medical instrument used to help a healthcare provider visualize the cervix and vaginal walls during a gynecological exam. The Sawyer Vaginal Speculum Medium is a medium-sized speculum with a blade length of 76.2mm and a blade width of 28.56mm. It is used to open the vaginal walls so that the healthcare provider can examine the vaginal walls and cervix for any abnormalities.
Sawyer Vaginal Speculum Medium (Blade Length x Blade Width: 76.2 x 28.56mm)
A vaginal speculum is a medical instrument used to help a healthcare provider visualize the cervix and vaginal walls during a gynecological exam. The Sawyer Vaginal Speculum Medium is a medium-sized speculum with a blade length of 76.2mm and a blade width of 28.56mm. It is used to open the vaginal walls so that the healthcare provider can examine the vaginal walls and cervix for any abnormalities.